Saturday, 25 October 2014


I'm thinking: "These job seekers seem to have gotten it all wrong". It has been a week of incessant knocking at our office and my colleagues keep leaving me with the choice to attend to the knocks, because according to them, "I'm the best at approaching them". So, at the thin edge of bristling with anger, I decided to talk to someone, better still write my thoughts and observations on interview tips...

Irrespective of what people think, there are some key things to note when seeking a job. And at this point, I need to say I am not in any way an expert in this field and these are only observations...

When seeking a job. among other things, these things matter:
  • Your content/package
  • Your approach (dress sense, oratory skills, common sense skills)
Virtually every Nigerian youth throws the word "packaging" around. Yeah, that same packaging works when you are seeking a job. Well, in a professional sense. Your content is what you will be paid for. Simply, it entails your education, experience, skills (you know, all the razzmatazz you have on your CV). Just that, you have to be able to match those qualities with a "look". You have to be able to match that your package on paper with your physical package.

DRESS SENSE: This reinforces your "packaging". As Oje Ivagba, former Director of Programs at LEAP Africa once said (and I do not quote): when you dress for an interview, the worth of your network could be deduced from how you look. Yeah, it is that serious. 

This is how you speak. Being educated to an extent must resonate in your speech. The impressions made at interview are lasting ones, at least till you get the job, therefore you should be able to attract and hold your interviewer's attention with your speech. Now don't get me wrong and start blowing the "Nigerian pho-ne" (which isn't even any version of British or American English, *eyes rolling*).
You could use Google, you can learn how to speak simple yet correct English there (especially grammar).

Now, here's my favorite part. I call them common sense skills as they are things you should know already, yet from experience, many people still get them wrong.

  • Never let your phone ring (buzz or make a sound) in an interview (you should have known that already). Put it on silent mode or switch it off till after
  • Unless you know your employer and those who would make the decision of your employment before hand, GREET everyone!!! (Not in a putty manner however, which takes us to the next point)
  • Be confident: Not with an egomaniac aura, but be confident enough to greet politely. For instance: 
    • Look into the eyes of whoever you are greeting. Making eye contact shows you are confident enough
    • With a smile, not a fake one though
    • Good day/good morning/ good afternoon, and so on (however, hello/hi/and their likes do not work here)
    • Introduce yourself (I am Oritshe Femi...)
    • State your purpose (I am here for the interview...)
    • State how the person you are talking to could help you (Could you kindly direct me to?...)
  • Don't look desperate
  • Be punctual. In fact, get there earlier that the scheduled time!
  • Think: you obviously have some expectations before going for the interview, say you are expecting #80,000 as basic salary. Ask yourself: "Am I worth #80 grand for this entire package I am bringing on? Your answer should be telling.
  • Research about the company. What they do/how they operate/and so on
  • Create solutions pertaining to the job you seek before the interview and be ready to dispose such ideas when you are asked: "How can you help us?" or "What can you offer us?"
  • Be yourself!!!
This infographic describes some job interview questions:
In conclusion:

Wish you a better experience at your next interview.

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